Well meeting someone who is stranger to you the first thing you must have said is Hello. Similarly while beginning any programming language the first program you write just says “Hello World” (May be you have added your name or a new line character in that
). From BASIC to C whatever you have tried first; writing two three lines (or probably 4-5) is enough to say Hello World. Well with the advent of Windows World a different style comes in picture where the boring B/W( though its lil interesting) screen got replaced by the rectangle sized window with a mouse icon just lying over it trying to say pick me up. Here the old traditional CUI(Character User Interface) lost its charm and also the code length got increased approx 15-20 lines just to say a poor little “Hello World”. Although that is more powerful than the previous style but the programmer got confused why so much lines just to say two words. This is because they are not just two words but two different worlds i.e. CUI & GUI.

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