Sunday, October 11, 2009

The science word means a lot

People are generally confused about Computer Science and Information technology. They are same just because they have both "computers" involved but the word "science" takes computer science a lot ahead of IT.

Wikipedia says::>>

Information technology (IT), as defined by the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA), is "the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware." IT deals with the use of electronic computers and computer software to convert, store, protect, process, transmit, and securely retrieve information.

Computer science (or computing science) is the study of the theoretical foundations of information and computation, and of practical techniques for their implementation and application in computer systems. It is frequently described as the systematic study of algorithmic processes that describe and transform information; the fundamental question underlying computer science is, "What can be (efficiently) automated?" Computer science has many sub-fields; some, such as computer graphics, emphasize the computation of specific results, while others, such as computational complexity theory, study the properties of computational problems.

Now coming back, well we can say IT is an engineering(or applied) aspect of Computer science just like Engg. Mechanics(or Mechanical Engg.) is to Physics. In physics we study the basic laws governing the universe and the person who deals with that we term him as a physicist(or scientist). One who is making that physics to be used in building some automobiles, we say that he is an automobile engg.(or Mechanical Engg.) Similarly computer science builds the theoretical foundations which are then employed in IT (in some language) as an application further which can be then used for the betterment of our society. Computer science ensures that we can provide the best from those dumb machines like developing best compilers/assemblers for languages used in IT, algorithms to do a particular task, analyzing complexities of algorithms and choosing best one and many more. When we have the Jinn in our hand then just what is required is to rub it and ask for a wish. That is like when we have powerful machines at our service with intelligent interfaces then we have to give our requirements and the rest is taken care by IT.

What is happening today is that we are going by the word IT and have wrongly mistook it for computer science. Everyone believes that computer science and IT are the same.
That's where we are lacking in research. The situation is that we are not in a mood to study the basics of computer science and by just looking at the ever changing IT field we got confused and switch to newer technologies without looking back what has changed and to what extent.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Vulnerability in LINUX

WARNING::: Do not try this on your computer.

Here i am going to tell you about the vulnerabilities of linux and here is the first one:

1. FORK BOMB :::

Just type on your shell this command
$ :(){:|:&};:
Let me explain step by step what this command does::
1. In the starting you can see a beginning of a function named :
2. Now in the body part you will see that :|: it tells that : function has created one child process which itself calls :.
3. Well the '&' sign in linux shell tells the process to run in background(now no can terminate it).
4. ';' as a delimiter.
5. Finally we call that function :.

Now you must have a pretty good idea about what this function will do. It calls itself recursively and after some time your system will get crashed!!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Collection of Websites

Well to start with let me provide you link of some good collection of websites:::>>>

What i have found really interesting on the web(and free too!!!):

Well looking for some IEEE papers and got struck. so here is a website for you. Just paste the name of the paper and within no time it will give back you the papers you were looking for.

Books Books and Books a whole lot of books. This site will allow you to download any book from the enormous collection of books on the website for free. So just go for it.

well struck somewhere writing a code. These above mentioned sites will provide you a lot of help with code available for free. So have a look on it.

Well don't want to buy a new software or looking for some interesting softwares that can make your life simple, so don't even waste a second and go for a whole bunch of softwares.

A lot more to come.Keep checking........

Saying "Hello World"

Well meeting someone who is stranger to you the first thing you must have said is Hello. Similarly while beginning any programming language the first program you write just says “Hello World” (May be you have added your name or a new line character in that :)). From BASIC to C whatever you have tried first; writing two three lines (or probably 4-5) is enough to say Hello World. Well with the advent of Windows World a different style comes in picture where the boring B/W( though its lil interesting) screen got replaced by the rectangle sized window with a mouse icon just lying over it trying to say pick me up. Here the old traditional CUI(Character User Interface) lost its charm and also the code length got increased approx 15-20 lines just to say a poor little “Hello World”. Although that is more powerful than the previous style but the programmer got confused why so much lines just to say two words. This is because they are not just two words but two different worlds i.e. CUI & GUI.